Guidance for Prospective Employers

Guidance for Prospective Employers

Prospective Employers (other than Academy Conversions)  

If you are interested in applying for admitted body status within the Lancashire County Pension Fund then please see the documents below and complete the application form and Employee Spreadsheet

Converting Academies (including Free Schools, Studio Schools and University Technology Colleges)

Please contact us in advance of the likely conversion date so that we can set you up as a Scheme Employer

There is guidance on the LGPS arrangements for academies, published by MHCLG, DfE and LGA, which can be found here.

All Employers

The Pension and Lifetime Savings Association have produced a document which gives an excellent overview of the governance of the Local Government Pension Scheme and administrative responsibilities as an employer in the Scheme. Please see here

We understand that this is a new process for many prospective employers and we will try to help you through this and answer any questions you may have. Please contact us as soon as possible about the award of a new contract or a likely conversion. You can email us at