

There are over 300 employers in the Lancashire County Pension Fund (LCPF), whose eligible employees can join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). These range from District Councils and Housing Associations to charities and third-party contractors. Employers make payments to the fund mainly in the form of monthly employer contributions, to ensure that the scheme is fully funded and can pay the defined benefits to scheme members.


LGPS Employer Responsibilities

All employers within the LGPS have statutory responsibilities and administrative requirements which are described in the HR and Payroll Guides produced by LGE. It is a good idea for employers within the LGPS to gain a full understanding of what is expected of you as an LGPS employer, as there can be penalties for failure to meet your obligations. The administrative processes that you will need to follow as an employer can be viewed be following this link.


Administration of the Lancashire County Pension Fund

The Lancashire County Pension Fund has a third-party administrator who administers the pension scheme on their behalf, Local Pensions Partnership Administration (LPPA). LPPA support employers in fulfilling their obligations by giving information, training, and individual support as required. Their website provides information for members and employers, including guides on the processes you need to follow. They also provide a Secure Employer Portal through which you will provide regular information about your scheme members - LPPA's UPM Employer Portal.


Admission into the Lancashire County Pension Fund

If you wish to apply for admission to the Lancashire County Pension Fund, or if you are a school converting to Academy status (or a Free School, Studio School, or University Technical College) you will find that these pages help you to understand your obligations as a Scheme Employer, and the processes and potential costs involved in joining the fund. More information can be found here - Guidance for Prospective Employers.